'Overwatch' Day One Is A Beautiful Start (Ongoing Video Review)

'Overwatch' Day One Is A Beautiful Start (Ongoing Video Review),Over Watch , Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch on its very first day, managed to blend everything I love about first-person shooters into one beautifully compelling package. Overwatch is like Unreal Tournament, Team TISI +% Fortress 2 and Call of Duty had one wonderful, hyper evolved baby of destruction and mayhem. Day one of Overwatch for me has gone off without a hitch after playing several of the 21 different heroes. Game developer Blizzard encourages you switch characters often, it is really fun to focus on one character for a time, but to really be great at Overwatch you have to be willing to switch up your character depending on the needs of your team and to counter the enemy players. It is also very helpful to know all of the character so you fully understand their limitations and their different advantages on multiple maps and game modes. I personally focus on Zenyatta, Bastion, Soldier 76 and Torbjorn.
The level design of Overwatch is remarkably well thought out and actually very funny if you take the time to look around the environment. Matches flow wonderfully and I couldn’t identify any choke points that are absolute game stoppers. I was even happily surprised to find that Bastion did not absolutely dominate all of the matches (as he did in the beta). What’s best about Overwatch is how well your abilities stack for the rest of your team, there is something for everyone’s enjoyment in just about any situation. Because of this very diverse set of powers you are never truly safe and not ever completely without hope, you can change your character at the next respawn.
It is the fact that everyone can always respawn, and focusing on objectives while being a team player are the key to winning the game. The more you communicate, the more likely you are to win. The diversity of characters is also a massive selling point to me and most people I know. Overwatch shares very similar DNA with Team Fortress 2 (which is also one of my favorite games) but it is completely lacking in any female characters at all. Overwatch takes this one step further with female, male and even robotic characters not falling into typical video game stereotypes of slow moving male soldiers and fast, assassin like female characters. No matter the gender, you can be a tank, support, DPS, anything you want to be.

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